The Preeminence of the Sabbath
The weekly cycle of seven days, ending with the Sabbath, has never changed. The Sabbath never “floats” as some might suggest.
The weekly cycle of seven days, ending with the Sabbath, has never changed. The Sabbath never “floats” as some might suggest.
Here are the Gregorian dates for the Biblical Feasts in 2025.Feast dates are based on the Biblical Solar calendar. (If you have reached this page but were really looking for Feast dates according to the traditional Jewish calendar, go here. Please take a few minutes to explore this site and learn about the solar calendar.) … Read more
Does Rosh Chodesh really mean the New Moon? It may surprise you that this phrase is only found three times in the Bible, and is never translated as New Moon.
Here are the calendar pages for the current year Biblical Solar Calendar with Gregorian and Hillel dates shown for cross reference.
Here are the Gregorian dates for the Biblical Feasts in 2024.
This is our current understanding of the Biblical Solar Calendar. Sabbath If you ever see a calendar where the weekly Sabbath is not on the same day as the Gregorian Saturday, you can completely disregard it without any further consideration. The Sabbath has not and never will change. It is ALWAYS every seventh day. This … Read more